William Blake (1757-1827)

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. harianto

William Blake

Ada senyum merkahan cinta,
Ada senyum berisi tipu,
Pun sari senyuman ada,
Dalamnya dua senyum berpadu.

Dan ada kernyit berisi dendam,
Pula ada kernyit menghina,
Dan ada hakikat dari kernyitan
Yang sia-sia kaucoba melupa.

Ia dalam tertikam di jantung
Dan menusuk di benak punggung;
Dan tiada senyum pernah disenyumkan,
Selain hanya satu senyuman,

Yang antara buaian dan kubur
Kita senyumkan sekali hanya;
Dan sekali dilepas bibir,
Kikis olehnya segala derita.

Various smile
By William Blake

There is smile of flowered love,
There is a smile of deceit,
Also an essence of smile,
The depth of two smiles met.

And there is furrow of revenge,
There is also furrow of insulting,
And there is also the essence of the frown
Which try in vain to forget.

It was deeply stabbed in the heart of
And stick into the back of the mind;
And no smile ever smiled,
Unless just one smile,

The one between the cradle and the grave
We merely smile once;
And once released off by the lips,
all suffers are eroded.

William Blake (1757-1827), English poet who was born and died in London. His literary knowledge was by learning autodidact; his life was a bit far isolated in poverty. His poeticalness were different from the other poets of 18 century, he was the individual standpoint in time and space; his poems are condensed to romanticism, besides his substances had not seen yet to previous poets. His love to nature related to the mystical tendencies that makes his works are elusive, especially the ambiguity was frequently used. The one easily captured is in the Poetical Sketches, Songs of Innocence (1789), Song of Experience (1794), and the elusive one are in his last poems. (took from the Puisi Dunia (World Poetry), Volume II, compiled by M. Taslim Ali, Balai Pustaka, 1953, which is in retranslated into English would be more like above).

Nature is a special property, especially for someone who oppressed by his life limitations.

Incarnates be hidden treasures, how difficult to be reached, unless to be seriously to be focused onto honest beauty of maturity;

Stalks curves, shrill of high bamboos, calls of the sea waves, crying of the waves on the seashore,

green fields and gamut of hill’s height reaches the cloud, to be humble to present unconditionally values.

The deepest soul of contemplation gives abundant explanations; wisdom pouring from the forehead threw soft sweat into the golden receptacle of the life.

Gulp it without suspicion in order to pervade the ribs of secret, and then the heart of universe incarnate to be the wind driving on the fire, steam at the solid wall does not look but sensed.

When the step collided by absurdities, to be watched by the universe to lead the mankind into the magnanimity and the grandeur of volcano, the color rose up and blossomed the flower of heart.

Body language comes closer, the supple motion of streak sharpen the desire, it’s carried and pinned to give the spirit of words into the air and incarnated to be meaningful.

Or what seen in the depths is purported with the news; anxiety, suffers, happiness, doubt, deceit, and suspicious, the face is represented although voiceless, because of the body of consciousness apprehends due to the feeling of heart compositions of the waves.

Written what already heard, poetry becomes a stage of show to perform the signed possibility.

William Blake was taking puitika jasadiah (poetica of bodily) that has willing, defined into the explored fields, in order to be mature to dig the matters of life.

Tenderness burn and buried but something vanished, derived from the hearts into the mind, had missed with no longer intercourse, such as the first companionship the feeling of loss was crossing in the mind but didn’t capture.

While the heart pain leaves traces with the passion, to the distant which tends to lead the eternal soul.

The visible point of view, when it attacked by the other person in conversation, the language of denial and also loyalty are more obvious than understanding.

Because the move is not just run the meaning, but to belief what was promised. The endeavors forge the essence; the wise choices determine the step of wanderer.

The chaos of thought on conflict of the soul, is longing for the suffering eroded. The last smile at the cradle of grave was waiting for diggers to scatter the flowers.

Made the balance ripens the fruit, from the ordeal of the season changed and were set down this time; it will be equally to the interpretation of ages.


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