Poetry of Mathori A Elwa

translated by Nikmah Sarjono


Quit looking at me like that, my dear
So that I won’t get nervous. So that
I can go to sleep easily
You wanted so bad to spit on my face
Burned by time
Now I choose to become kids again
Then you can scold me;
“Such a naughty boy, you are!”

Stop sticking the nails of love, my dear
So that I won’t fall in love. So that
I won’t get scattered
You wanted it so bad to kill my love tree
Collapsed by enemies
Now I become thief and robber
Then you can punish me

Stop teasing me, my dear
So that I won’t be falling head over heels,
So that I won’t be faint
You wanted so bad to scratch my body
Numbed by anger
Now I change myself to become your enemy
Then you can be more fierce to me

Stop getting angry, my dear
So that you won’t be desperate. So that
I won’t be even more crazy about you
You wanted so bad to get rid of my life
Redemptioned by lies
Now I play a role as a traitor
then you will be more jealous

Stop crying, my dear
So that my eyes won’t drop any tears. So that
I don’t read a secret
You wanted so bad to erase my name
Drowned in hell by revenge and hatred
Now I become a pray
And you become Amen!



There is death
Passing outside my door
I can see her from my ninety windows
How beautiful she is!

There is death
Strolling in the afternoon
Tomorrow morning, she said,
She will come by

There is death
Visiting my room
Tonight, she promises
She will come to me



Thousands of poems asked me
to immediately write them on a paper
Like the hidden yearning
Like doctor’s prescription

Thousands of poems you swallowed
As one with time
Morning, noon, and night
As if they always want to be together

Your sick soul,
When will it get better?


Suluk *

Learning a lesson from leaves
Sprout, grow and fall
With the time, the sun and yearning

From ocean of ink
I write blessings
Profits and loss
Seduce each other
Manufacture the knife of love
Grind down gems

When the disaster is over
The real battle has just begun
To stay strong and alert
Together with an ascetic
I choose the dawn



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