Writer by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

From you the passion blows up skin and content, the life’s spirit of east and west jumps up and down
to the bosom of cloud embraces the wave, when the color doesn’t question about the light anymore (XI: I).

To you is ended the thirsty souls, the strength of odor’s copulation
assaults tightly onto the altar of worship, the flapping of butterflies in sex flutter tiredly (XI: II).

Is this breadth of hand of prayer service? The funniest visiting place?
Or sacrifice that really terrifies? (XI: III).

Behind the cloud of twilight, the imprisoned souls said: strikes the branches
a piece of lightning be wild on alliance incarnates become the arm of river flows the hope (XI: IV).

At first count the beginning of river and then the fate leads to the ocean of your musing (XI: V).

Each steps of the sun mature the teak’s age, the river’s stone
is nursed by the love’s impulse, releases the moss with fast caress of heavy current (XI: VI).

Be lonely in the air, its wings are calm down doesn’t realize on the mist’s tyranny (X: VII).

Comes the caressing of sincerity, the rice’s plant bows, the lightly stems are passed over,
until the waited time is come, as comfort as the babies in the mother’s arm (XI: VIII).

It continues even though far away anxious remember it,
the hermit’s speeds in contemplation in the cemetery of wounds (XI: IX).

The softness of air onto the stalk of coconut’s trees represents the voice of era,
the seasons drag the star’s seethed gives the kissing (XI: X).

Believes to Garuda Ngawangga leads it from the past century,
teaches how to fly the wings of hoping (XI: XI)

; the light’s intimation is without boring flaps swayed onto the beach,
memorizes on the color’s surge of morning- afternoon, the noon- night mature (XI: XII).

It promises without denies to drink the honey from wandering’s jungle,
on this time’s feeling embraces the warm of intimate (XI: XIII).

Lets out the power of inner heart to attend the similar mysteriousness,
comes again the wavelength to visit the most edge of sky (X: XIV).

Teaches a lot of thing, but you are instead hanging around in hesitation,
takes care of the world of invisibility counts the time which had exacted with the birth,
before the body is stretched out on the stage of universe (XI: XV).

Leads it to the park of heart, the visiting place be loyal to it self,
some day later in at once will create the circling surge by the stone’s throwing onto the lake,
they ignore it, whereas it had been onto their feet (XI: XVI).

Try your sleepy can come to the estuary to flowing moat of tired field,
because the sound of waiting is very melodious, for the fidgety one is arrested by loneliness
in the cage teaches twitter, the free air has the power to wait for you (XI: XVII).

The softness of pen retraces the chasm be lulled by own passion, kendang is stroke
incessantly for your element of your soul to create the sound in the ear of yearning blessed (XI: XVIII).

Walk with shaky body on bund; ponder on the hill of twilight, the owner of garden is lonely,
walk at the isolated distant to watch you are in trembling came out (XI: XIX).

Be hurry up to caress the mist tries to practiced the balance, on a piece of
wood on the river’s face, the matter of burden is swing lightly as the steam of time’s scaling (XI: XX).

The madness mentions without shy, only for the strength of embracing without end,
ignore about the top or the quantity of rotation snares to the poet (XI: XXI).

A gulp of cold water freshens the throat, forgets the hungry
appears prediction, delivers the food for the practice asceticism’s people (XI: XXII).

The passing crosses way reaches the light; the drizzle is caught by spider’s net, together with the air
breaks trough the window, returns the step at along of dying (XI: XXIII).

You look for your self with breaks the stone’s form,
disperses the dust of your lonely yard’s occupant (XI: XXIV).

The dark- light are embroidered each other aims to the room of silent,
creates the movement of cloud- cumulus aims to the cage of sky (XI: XXV).

The flute of air is blowing to breathe the night of worship- praise,
the dew’s crying is suddenly falling off in the wrestling of grasses (XI: XXVI).

Obviously always hopes without waits,
as if the pedestrians are lightly without burden (XI: XXVII).

Wait for the dawn weights on the scale, the flying birds are fell down
the tired of its flapping is early arrived at the limit of dream’s ability
similar like the wiping of paint brush is granted, paints the wish of love (XI: XXVIII).

The conviction is as pure as the baby’s crying when the loneliness gets free (XI: XXIX).

Every times being together with your late is always gets the ring on rainbow
look the overcast is in throng aims to the space of heart, the star dances on the land of birth
when the heavy rainfall comforts the nervous, even though is blanketed on the anxious (XI: XXX).

The sharp weather of night shows up the gateway monument of literary
since from the big power had arise the genuineness (XI: XXXI).

You nurse your self by washed on the showering of holy sentence,
a letter tells the desire, clearness melts the freezing (XI: XXXII).

At the old town is just a few man passed by, only a few pace are back and forth,
leads the lost conviction from the invention, only for the tread time of climbing (XI: XXXIII).

It nurses the children of night; the flame of oil lamp is not off to be loyal to the silent,
but the paled bats are showered by light of dibbled lamps, by
the ballad of ancients counts the age of stones (XI: XXXIV).

The rhythmical movement is replayed each other to taking care of the show,
this is discussion of the self, the frog unites the rhyme nurses the lake
equal with the surge’s consciousness chases the doors of cave (XI: XXXV).

Properly the prayer’s sending is pure crying, honestly the tear
forever accusation of lake, pays good attention to the singing of heart (XI: XXXVI).

The wind respects the unusual chirp when it is ignored
the shocked cloud is faded from the throne of daydreaming (XI: XXXVII).

The chance is sobbing to go up to the sky, look at it trough the windows,
by the shepherding leaded to go home aims to the loneliness of twilight (XI: XXXVIII).

Who nurses the cloud returns the left shape is guess,
from the corner of flower’s room, the fragrant sends the news devoutly sinks the feeling (XI: XXXIX).

Embroiders the past dreams of present awareness, releases the skin of feeling
Increasing on the nervous, when the seconds of time meets the real truth (XI: XL).

As white as the rice had ripe by yearning, a mouth full of hoping enjoys the meaning (XI: XLI).

The fates of last night’s prayer, at the noon is the overripe apple of everlasting worship and praise
opens the doors of cloud, and the feeling lies down slowly (XI: XLII).

The group’s trots of dawn’s jungle wind remain the softness, looks at
the rose at the east park, the color is changing, doesn’t know on decrease of a face of memory (XI: XLIII).

Really never stop the chasing, doesn’t step on the grasses
passes over the stars that jealous each other, understands on the sullen
in every visits the face of your queen (XI: XLIV).

The stars have no time, the prayer are fallen down, drawn in the ocean of fever (XI: XLV).

Pulled by the afternoon, the fruits are washed away by river’s flowing wades the riddle,
had piled the time of oarsman’s throat is burnt by the wine of yearning (XI: XLVI).

The noon teaches the nobleness of hesitation, do not token the chain of bay- pole
as if the willing doesn’t want to be granted, be shy to miss the body will be curious (XI: XLVII).

Let be free until knows the death without reads
the most secret in the wound of soul (XI: XVIII).

It doesn’t waste the time onto the regretting stone,
but keeps rolling, leaves the trace in every passing way perpetuates you (XI: XLIX)

; the prayer similar like the langgam, decreased- rolled by own dancing,
the climax is occurred, when the surge is in courage (XI: L).

Gulps the science in the bay of dumb inside of light’s nooks, don’t be blind at the eyes,
slivers your hand’s holding, also intercepts the splashing with the impulse of love and lave (XI: LI).

The romance accosted at that time is the greeting peace for you,
ride on the time’s wind copulates the space of subuh (XI: LII).

The one who moved in to the pity on the bright hill, is saved balanced night
onto the ocean of processes of making aware, the empty rooms are crowded around by sick of broken heart (XI: LIII).

The breath is immeasurable how much it is because who can guess in the depth of wisdom,
tastes the salty of salt’s grains, alike the morning star firmly grips the heart
resembling like the cosmetic for eyelids on the time’s curled up eyes of the finder (XI: LIV).

The fragrant of gap’ seed calls the light, the way that must token on the beach of resoluteness,
don’t ask before it is finished to be unloaded,
nurses your pliant fingers, before swings to dance (XI: LV).

The rhythm of your crying moves the soul, if accompanied by the old tone, pulls
back similar like the spirit is bubbled up, in order that the wings of science touches the eternality (XI: LVI).

Takes your clothe off when bathed in the lake of love,
your pretty lips are colorfully, a pulling smile of rose with prickly body,
resembling like looks for the woods, the supported live and die (XI: LVII).

The beginning of heart’s wandering was visiting the height,
who act as bridge to meet its billing? In harmony your donkey’s saddle is loosen the tight
usefully for whip, made from the winding tree’s skin of secret feeling (XI: LVIII).

A piece of letter is inserted in your wing’s feather, the lightly shoulder reaches
the glorious of hill of yearning, visits the love must has the supplies (XI: LIX).

Drinks a gulp of clean water on the table of master house, don’t suspect like ghost,
collects the quiet in the musing, a whole of holy soul always opens (XI: LX).

Touches the hair is deflected by the lantern of an implied twilight, although the time is not intact
it gives the dropping of purple twilight, as short as the air lost enters into the bosom (XI: LXI).

Take deep breath of freshmen,
sucks a leaf of dew at the moment of moon is not circumcised (XI: LXII).

Purposely opens the windows, the weather outside attractive lave
and its love until collected in the power of strength (XI: LXIII).

Don’t smell the unpleasant when turns around? Therefore
be loyal to, the deep bowing of grasses flower at valley of subuh (XI: LXIV).

Combine the flower for magic formula, the light of love goes upward fast when you are
in contemplation, be taught by full moon be visited by the lovers (XI: LXV).

The air doesn’t always accost, thus addresses it does
in order to sonly finds the scattering of your pollen powder (XI: LXVI).

Those trees are breeding, recites the song on the air,
as near as the body with the pulsating of love on the shadow of sound (XI: LXVII).

It is not enough yet for straight so gulp it, your stomach is quiet for hungry,
the honesty’s night jumps the vein’s pulsating to the grave is used up (XI: LXVIII).

To go there is too tired for the position, the soul be loyal the body becomes like stone
and the sorrowful if you are not be patient on the rebirth (XI: LXIX).

The day be fully on freshmen drinks the sweat of poem’s effort
hangs with overripe in the hill is sank by the wet mist,
the sun of your body is saved the flaring of achievement, creating (XI: LXX).

The glaring of stars shines the night,
the top of casuarinas trees dances is overwhelmed by the uproar of happiness (XI: LXXI).

Indistinctly be aloofness in the first afternoon, approaches to be exist for the booming of intention
aims to the park of fragrance and colorful of flowers to the air (XI: LXXII).

It is as white as the jasmine that is inserted on the ear of village’s girl,
as pure as the flower Cambodia at the mother’s lapping (XI: LXXIII).

Be in cocoon blinds on the tendency of direction, the stretching caterpillar says the prayer,
the times have skin as cover and be increased on fiber of the spells of worship (XI: LXXIV).

A kissing of harp on the forehead of silent signs to the sky to fade the string,
the wings absorb the grains light of dew on the threads of leafs,
the quiet lake waits for the blossoming of lotus in the looking to the morning (XI: LXXV).

The days of breeding season picks up the pollen that is dropped by silent,
the nipple- buds are impressed looks at grasses in shivered blooming (XI: LXXVI).

The buried winds attacks your body steps on the stairs of sweetheart,
but you measure the journey just for questioned (XI: LXXVII).

It shares the lights, receives the soft wink of its eyes
clears away the desire reconciles the most intimate self (XI: LXXVIII).

Hold tightly climbs the intention that is moved on to visit (XI: LXXIX).

Doesn’t lessen the longing of your soul that is quickly become tired, be carefully
to bet the delighted peace and encourages the soul too (XI: LXXX).

The garden of flower is as living place for the some kind of ants, butterflies, and honeybees to meet,
alike the seagull’s twitter is pulled by the air’s ballad of beach’s universe (XI: LXXXI).

It memorizes the sweet things of the lips, the smile decorates the door of sleepy,
sonly will be stolen the deep sleep of sincerity after tiredly by making a love (XI: LXXXII).

Frighten is lost the whole longing is poured out to touch around the loyalty’s embracing,
the breaths are in- out when breathes the love and lave (XI: LXXXIII).

Tembang of genuineness attends from the grate full feeling appears the estuary of honey
on your red dimple like rose- apple fruit, caressed by the shame (XI: LXXXIV).

Be willing to touch the softly mysterious, won’t lost the primary manner,
be in throng on the steeply stone’s road, the lightning nurses the flower’s stem
is your testimony penetrates the dreams retraces the middle night (XI: LXXXV).

Who is fetching up all standing? While it just a flash leaves the matter about the body, goes fast
to the decorator of soul’s bride, coconut tree’s leafs- fruits are made as the crown (XI: LXXXVI).

To the place of time, the ant’s formation carries on the supplies,
crawls the neglect, only for the day of tomorrow the dry season is embraced (XI: LXXXVII).

You are allowed to be freely to overwhelmed wades the wave to the storm,
looks at the star guides the sailor to the rotation surge of conviction,
makes sure when the trade wind at your face is surrendered! (XI: LXXXVIII).

Believe on your screen be able to receive the wind of ocean, and making calm of
the glaring ship’s lamps at the night mountain’s feet of the guard (XI: LXXXIX).

The fishes accompany you as the deserter, safes the valuable one to the beach,
that is as the way to your yard as bright as the heart wants to meet (XC).

Pierces the warm membrane visits the gold wings,
flies the air, the place of time is unpredicted before get far away (XI: XCI).

The one who misses become stronger for the flapping, since from the valley of cluster rice field
aims to the height soft air of inner heart, the drying stalks of coconut’s trees are dropping off (XI: XCII).

You may refuse his inviting but for the first lick his sweat
that gushes on along of the uncounted foot’s steps (XI: XCIII).

The shame moon is token heavily by the small feet that is loaded to be the stone,
when the tired is lessened, the climber has passion again (XI: XCIV).

You take to everywhere a handful of yearning,
resembling like the quality stone from the reflected distant (XI: XCV)

; after accepted the cool’s weather of night’s wrapping,
if is stroked by the storm, be determined by the blanket of feeling (XI: XCVI).

The devotion is more grandeur than the tower, follows the collected rhythm
in the heart beating of soul, be cut off are not useless (XI: XCVII).

He comes to you when you’re willing to forget,
if you go to the looseness, you will be still watched (XI: XCVIII).

However that is still have to learn to stand on tiptoe
for the only one choice of conviction to fly (XI: XCIX).

The wind whizzing onto the branches tramples on the steep stones,
flops the bird’s wings whips the fishes slashes onto the surge,
water’s splash like rainbow’s slight in the eyes of morning’s river (XI: C).

Be willing to vomit of the ocean, intoxicated is lighten the burden, the spirit’s pen is washed away
into the rotation of cloud, while the notching of arrow is as far as the creating (XI: CI).

To you the salt after picking up the neglected part,
and then the hope is shocked up to be granted with recited lovely (XI: CII).

The paintbrush stripes the color on the canvass, and the sharp of palette had decided,
carries out the feeling to play a kite when the cloud is supporting (XI: CIII).

Be usual its yearning flies far away fast returns to become exist in the eyes of illusion,
the delicious fishes meat are because of their live strikes back to the heavy current
that peels the mosses on the hard stones (XI: CIV).

More the distant be untold is closer of the soul’s united,
as tight as the peace love, for the cage of the passion’s owner of universe (XI: CV).

The consciousness to the billing of his heart, soft secret is shadowing gives the direction,
it comes to you early, when you are willing to see it (XI: CVI).

1. Kendang= a kind of drum which use for the traditional music in Java.
2. Subuh=early Morning Prayer services in Islam.

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