Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

Percy Bysshe Shelley (August 4, 1792 – July 8, 1822), English poet born in Field Place (Sussex) and died in Spizzia (Italy). Secondary school at Eton, and he entered the University of Oxford (soon after he expelled in the matter of his pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism, 1811). The experiences at Eton and reading of skeptical philosophers books in Oxford, had embedded resentment against all oppression. He went to London and met Harriet Westbook and then got married, long after he moved to Ireland to propagate the ideology of Shelley about liberty, and after that he lived in London. He met William Godwin whom extremely more closely anarchist ideals and influenced by Mary (son of Godwin). In 1814, Shelley and Mary went to Switzerland, and when got back to the UK he created Alastor, platonic love poems. Before this work, previously he wrote Queen Mab, a revolutionary poem that combined on atheist ideals engendered the public hatred; more revolutionary is The Revolt of Islam, and The Mask of Anarchy. In 1816, he married for second time with Mary Godwin, and after that he left UK to Italy to visit Byron, and the dialogue between these two poets was written in the essay of Shelley, Julian and Madala. Next up he made plays, most phenomenal is the Prometheus Unbound (1818 -1891), lyrical plays of humanity today, in the past and in the future. The Censi, the plays with free rhyming. What made Shelley be famous were his few short poems; To a Sky-Lark, The Cloud, The Indian Serenade and Ode To the West Wind. The basic of his soul was sympathy for mankind, and his last poem is Adonai (1821), the way of elegy concerned with the death of Keats.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Mengatas nilai apapun juga
Dari gairah dalam bunyi,
Melebihi segala rupa harta
yang di buku dijumpai,
Kamahiranmu bagi pujangga, O Kau, pengejek bumi.

Ajar daku separuh gembira
Yang sadar dalam otakmu,
Pasti keselarasan gila
Bergelora dari bibirku,
Dan dunia akan mendengar, bagai ku kini mendengarnya.

Quotation From: TO A SKYLARK
By Percy Bysshe Shelley

On any values
From the passion in the sound,
Beyond all kinds of treasures
that in the book is found,
Your expert for poets, O you, scoffer of the earth.

Teach me half of happiness
Realized in your brain,
it must be the harmony of insanity
Passionate from my lips,
And the world will hear, as I now hear it.

(from the book Puisi Dunia (World Poetry), Volume II, by M. Taslim Ali, Balai Pustaka, 1953, which is in retranslation into English would be more or less like above).

Shelley felt the beat contrasting with struggling of values of life which was constantly chaos unstopped and too difficult to avoid; thundering of echoes against continuance mortar quake to solve the head as the nest of reasoning, this is the sounds of booming.

Whoever could handle it incarnates to be beauty, obviously should pass the most treacherous climbing slippery cliffs, resembling like the souls roasting. Hence, distance of mature ploy to polemical that’s happening, eventually would get the top of good scents that is not smelled on the feet of the hills.

The condition of abundantly grace of the heart derived from the attained of desire balance of the sounds of soul, harmoniously and unity with the singing of everlasting longing that purported with everyday granted blessing. The cleverness to process hard field with the whole tenacity, seriousness to apprehend the honey of wisdom is beyond the most precious treasures.

Here, the experience of life received by the calamity efforts of wanderer, the confusion of analysis was focused to the brink of sleep by tired but didn’t scatterbrain the hearts vision and kept attack to break the hesitancy.

In the turn, the song of happy love sung wijayakusuma in the night which was the eyes enchanted by the mega sheltered the crown to take away the pain of past, fought the stinging noon in a power struggle.

The poets on the big rock towered into the blue sky with clad peasant; Shelley in the experiencing of deed (ascetically) maturated by ribbing hatred among the ghost of terrifying despair.

Limitation of crazy-normality was felt without insulation, human beings was back and forth and sometimes hesitated onto both, only the self of each feels crazy behind the madness; passionate erupted desire for power of motivation to visit the deepest heart, till the tear brought into the corners of un-confidence.

Joggled by initiative of seriousness, lazy daydreamer dazing didn’t know the destination, but the mature one stroked by unfortunate that there is no much emptiness, though the color was different, the weight of its purports were not similar, there were confused, it didn’t mean without confusion.

And, half of happiness of mind and the accordance of craziness have harmony when the passion reached the shoreline of beliefs, rural people heard and comprehended similar like Shelley understood his time.

Here, the poetry that has the sense of poetic invites the explorers of logic to sail the existence and to extend layer of the soul of thought, up and down rides the wave of destiny of ages together with the breathing of working of the words.

Bring the harmony of the reason of the heart, the logic of feeling armed with the ability to sort, the books as the wind of riding to infiltrate to present different essence, the pure soul and destiny was carried.

Like doesn’t feel too satiated and also doesn’t too hungry, delivers harmoniously waves to the depth. In closing, Socrates had ever said: “Life that is not observed is not eligible to be lived.” And Shelley said:

“Someone for the sake of being good, he must observe himself carefully and completely; he should put himself into the position of others, and many others; the pain and also the joy of others should be a part of him.”

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