Michelangelo (1475-1564)

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto


Karena matamu aku melihat cahaya nikmat,
Yang tidak nampak lagi oleh mata sendiri,
Dan walau aku lumpuh, kuberanikan hati
Memikul beban, karena yakin kakimu kuat.

Aku yang tak bersayap, oleh sayapmu terangkat,
Rohmu yang membukakan daku gerbang Firdausi,
Kau sanggup bikin pipiku merah dan pasi,
Panas dimusim dingin, kelu ditengah hangat.

Dalam kemauanmu, bersemi kemauanku,
Pikirku, dadamulah tempat asal-usulnya,
Dan nafasmu berhembus dalam tiap kataku.

Nampaknya, imbangan bulan gelitalah aku,
Yang nun diluhur, hanya tertangkap oleh mata,
Semasih Surya merestunya dengan kemilau.

By Michelangelo

Because of your eyes I saw the light of grace,
That is invisible by my own eyes,
And though I’m paralyzed, I braved my heart.
Bear the burden, because I believe your feet are strong.

I am who do not winged, by your up rose wings,
Your spirit had opened the gates of Holiness to me,
You’re capable to make my cheeks red and pale,
Hot in the cold season, speechless in the middle of warm.

In your will, my will is blossoming,
I thought, your bosom where its origins,
And your breath exhale in every my word.

It seems the balance of the moon then dark of me would be,
Which far away on the top, just caught by the eyes,
Since The Sun blessed it with enlightenment.

Michelangelo was living in Lodovico Buonarroti Simony (March 6, 1475 – February 18, 1564), he was born in Caprese (Casentino), Florence patrician who died in Rome. He was Italian poet, architect, sculptor and greatest painter among Petrace followers. Such as Dante, Petrace, Michelangelo was a devotee of the feminists; Vittoria Colonna, a woman poet of his era. As an architect, he created the arch of the church of San Pietro in Florence. As a sculptor, he was well known by his statue of Moses and His Evening. His most important works are; his letters and also his poems which was increasingly popular by Rainer Maria Rilke translation. (Took from the book “Puisi Dunia” (World Poetry), Volume I, compiled by M. Taslim Ali, Balai Pustaka, 1952, which is re-translated into English would be more or less like above).

As a painter, obviously he knows well the smells of the wind brings news, the color is captured by the eyes discredited the personality to be more avowedly.

Dark and light becomes standpoints because shadow trembles the soul, happiness pervaded on the visual appearance and non-sensory poetics.

I wonder what imagined, when he saw the blue sky filled by the painting of clouds that always alive among the ages.

His heart accepted how it would until tapped his architect since the reasoning of times changes.

His concept is beyond the balance form of waves or the gravity, the sudden of time stopped when thrown the inestimable.

Every second and every ticking of sculpture is leading devoted beat to have compete, breathing is regulated by mature interpretation and solid experience that are taken.

Birds incarnate to be the wind, the painting of human being got into the spirit of historical events perpetuated by the beauty of love.

Was the music of knowledge reflected in there?
Or in the middle of composed the dreams of night scattered with stars, when difficult to say at witnessing the height of Divinity degree.

Patience and perseverance, diligence is ceaseless to be interpreted politely and mannered, nurturing and also handy.

As if his eyes were made from magic crystal that has power to hypnotize all of becoming.

He kept it in old body until it exploded at anytime more than just coloring.

If you read the poem above, there are intercourse of strong feelings, a compounding of suffer that misses to the splash of grace.

Michelangelo united his art potency to the weight hope, when the love grew as green as leaves of spring blossoming flowers of the heart.

The light of ideas embedded to the heart by the roots of lightning since the darkness of nights showered by the heavy rain.

There was a power vibrating the fingers to paint the words, such as the desire drew more maturely.

The mild insight of beyond united with the heart and soul, the substances of admiration he processed beyond the reality.

Paralysis among the approaching or that he was being absorbed by the object itself, in the boiling intimacy.

The wings were suddenly growing when the desire of posses came out of nest and scabbard of faith, and the spirit combined one another to open the secrets.

At the top of shame, the everlasting longing apprehended by innocent smile, sucking for the sake of drifting into the bright of light, translates the season of the everlasting of works.

Interprets the meaning of courtship of swallowed formation is the seriousness endlessly attacked such as birds singing in the wilderness.

When the spirit of mutual binding, destiny was similar stupa that is waiting for long time, the time and space was not summarized by the intention but surpassed through the greatness of breath.

Hot and cold perpetuated the heart that is reached by the warm; break through oblivious hope becomes raised up.

When the will is all embracing, resembling knife onto the engraved walls, a canvas with paint and also brush, to present the beauty of formed of unified breaths.

The instinct of feeling was flown by the common sense to interpret what is boiling up, the breaths of words surpassed greeting.

A sigh of long wind lifted the fog of height; the form of creation hopes to be painted in mature ages.

In order to survive, the meaning blended over into the changes of time, the origin scratching is kept, so the art held the passion beyond the era.

And believe into the sun of eternality at the horizon of evening, though the night would not leave from the sleep of the moon.

There were bitter resignations captured; only the self was trying to match the light that is still providing the strength.

Here, the life depends on the ultimately approaching of translated form.

The essences were emerging and the ideologies of the schools of thought aimed to the grandeur estuary, be shining for the beauty of the days afterward.

And, when there are questions, at there the presences are visited in.


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