Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

Prologue (QS. 24: 35)

“He is the light giver of the sky and world.
The resembling of His light alike the jail of light
(miskat), in which there is the light in it. Those light
is exist in the glasses; those glass is alike the stars
so bright like the jewels, which is lighted on from the tree
whom has so many grace; that is the tree of zaitun,
which come from not from west, and also not from the east.
Which only its oil, is almost shine, even
does not light on with the fire. The light beyond light!”

I. Opener

(A young wanderer walk on the stage,
he say):
Be fresh my youth which just blossom,
rarely dew on the face of black rose are rolling
when the wind of alliance all at once stabbing all destitute,
with glaring eyes copulates the room of vacuum.

Am I the one who poorly lives off the grade?
Herds sheep without head,
and putrid maggot in its mother womb.

It is the time,
arrest for vagrancy from gangways of town,
eats from garbage of hope of greedy;
deeper in thick of your heart sheaths
at the edge of beach of that street.

My hand is scratched by prick of cactus,
wild- be wilder on coral reef;
its pain into the whole direction,
crying into the corners of firmament,
and the eyeballs become angry,
does not different from shocked dawn
by the abstract grade of life,
shut up!

(The light be focus on screen similar like the moon,
he is continuing the words):

The bodies of trees are die in dry up,
needles of grass break the heart of moon,
in every form explicitly states the death,
in every heartbeat explicitly states the birth;
I incarnate, your ghost part.

(That young boy get the coin,
then watching, and he continue to say):

A pair of faces are impossible to meet,
even the truth is united become one;
is there the crying on this flat,
your shy loving?
Is this true the face of God?
Or my sweetheart’s face that disappeared by the rotation?

The one who comes from the North Pole and the South Pole,
the one who comes from the east mountain and west mountain,
come here, to valley of civilization chasm;
market of cultural waits for you,
even though buy exchange of love.
It is the nature,
Which lies intact willing down
to the deepest niche.

(His heart is hard beating fast,
he hold on his bosom then be weakly, then
he is back to get up from the black of stage.
And the lightless searchlight is slowly shining
His faded face, he continue to say):

I am your son, alas immortal life,
in here the place, all kinds of bones are forged by the fire,
on the streets of flared night,
until the revenge is beginning to disappear,
similar like the fruit of kapok’s tree is getting old,
spreading out the kapoks to fly around;
visiting the sky, aims to the kingdom of God.

Wave of ocean at its height,
the cloud beats- flops
on the space- ceiling of the stage world,
as far as the passion of blue period turned to be white
beside the self of human who go away.

(A woman come to him like lost,
and neared by her that poor man while say the word);

I hear, whispering of the time, the rumor is sonly come,
thousands bright light of glowworm dance on the air;
is this answer, or still as the sign?

In every level is the color,
when cheek is pealed by romance;
wings of books are closed in the fingers half,
Incarnates quality to stab in pocket of musing.

Usually, I pass over the pain of branch; that wind said,
infiltrates to the far of your eyes,
reaches the yearning suspiciously.

Is this your poor attention?
Look at the hill embraced with the memory.

(The man reply with the words):

The hills that is surrounding your place to living,
that is the mysterious cup for you;
a piece of dew’s dropping a glass of ocean,
scales the heart that far away from you,

The water also the most virgin smile you perform,
that figure is wafting on the cloud, don’t know where
for now, only the wind I know, be sticky on the body.

(The girl explicitly stating the words):

Your adult is impossible to forget that,
the taking of your breath- my breaths are still same,
united in the soul acted like king.

(The man answer):

Yes right, we are from the height of east and west,
alike the zaitun oil so bright without flame of fire,
because the devil is spotted can’t reach to here.
This the territory only for the faith;
my conviction is gathering become one,
my hesitation is stop and become stupa.

I tell every story about the secret of soul,
In order you to be carefully in front of the mirror,
Eva Braun, Balkis also Roro Jonggrang,
I am Hitler the cruel one, the loyal Solemn,
or Bandung Bondowoso who spitted on the ground.

I carry on the kingdom of your soul, until you don’t have it,
and them, bring your breath come to here.

(The woman cry sob,
while say the words respect):

Step down my small valleys, your hand is stretching,
sweat becomes steam, the heart gives melody,
and the blood is wiped out without anything left.

Alas my period’s best friend, sucks this soul of your lover;
I am incarnate the mother of eternality now,
above the little piece of your hair till to me,

I inherit silent, follows the fallen leafs
on the graveyard of regret of cambodia flower,
who the one pinches, won’t get sap anymore.

(Then the man replies):

Who comes from one pole, doesn’t want to melt his self,
he doesn’t always perfect, even though thousands of book he learns;
at near me still like the blind man or the lost man, and I
won’t open the doors,
but, take this my lady,
a coin of silver’s doesn’t a refusing,
whom I found at the middle way of the wanderer’s street.

(The man is giving that a coin,
while emphasized the words):

Held it tight in your fist,
that east and west won’t never meet,
the north pole also west pole, it always be like that forever.
But this, in the same currency,
I mention as the worldly marriage.

(The man and woman suddenly get pain,
falling then die,
only their both hand are meeting one another,
by a coin of currency of destiny).

II. Together

(in a bier there is two human corpse,
the wanderer and the lost woman.
The fourth of bier carrier, all at once said):

The proof of loyal is the death,
the proof of meeting, inseparable one.
We carry on the shoulder of the death bodies,
only for a lost peace;
both of them are filled emptiness one another,
who sprinkles the meaning, gives the content at later day.

They already knew, reality and mystery are embroidered one another,
doesn’t different like the mind and thinking. They also understood,
the life always in the affliction’s times,
only for perpetuates genuineness of the purpose also hope.

And they finally understand, the world is not everything,
only for the one who seriously aims to the final limit,
finds the luster of light- God’s light.

We will burry them later in the hole of waiting,
postponement of answer from questions.

Truly is the most valued in the world is the soul;
breaths whom be able to breathe to the same kind of human.

(the fourth of bier carrier, symbol of east people
and west people, who don’t want to united,
except in the party of death)

III. Dissolving away

(both of bride of the death are sitting
on the rocking chair of “heaven”. The woman
is bringing fan, the man is handing handkerchief,
and the four fairy come to the both bride)

(First fairy performs;
a flower, a glass of red wine,
a tying of paddy, and an egg)

(Second fairy performs;
a stalk of waru tree with its leafs,
a feather of eagle, and a handful of dust)

(Third fairy performs;
sheets of paper, a bottle of ink,
a cup of dew, a bowl of snow)

(And fourth fairy performs;
a piece of pebble, a knife, a bird
that slaughtered, which its blood is still fresh,
also an overripe apple)

(The first fairy say):
a flower is your heart,
a glass of red wine is your conversation,
a tying of paddy, an egg
are the form of your sincerity.

(The second fairy say):
a stalk of waru’s tree with its leafs
is the wings of your love and lave,
a feather of eagle is as your pen,
and a handful of dust , the beginning of you came from.

(The third fairy say):
the sheets of paper is your age,
a bottle of ink is as your struggling,
a cup of dew, your crying,
and a bowl of snow is the form of your sincerity.

(And the fourth fairy say):
a piece of pebble is resembling like the moon or the sun,
a knife is the symbol of your thinking, and doesn’t
a slaughtered bird is the submission of your inner heart,
while an overripe apple as something to perfect.

(The man is standing up from the rocking chair, then say).
Everything comes from the emptiness, the holy inexistence,
aims to the wishes:
pours the wine into goblet,
its foam onto the whole fingers of them.

With this handkerchief, I caresses,
how wet they are, sweetheart
(he is calling his sweetheart):

Fan their neck that almost cut off,
because of watching the height of our reaching.

(The man and the woman all at once say):
We are on the top of most noble rock foreland,
under it is thunderous of surge and applause;
we are sheltered, by the light of the first God’s line.

Nagan lor 21, Yogyakarta.


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