Kulya* in deep space of Philosophy II

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto


These are I, the writer, took; Kulya in the deep space of philosophy,
after I had read Leo Tolstoy’s composition:
A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day

1. Wise comes out from a boy is helping his friend.
2. Wise is sincerely help.
3. The dummy and the smart one are uniting in reasoning and insolent.
4. Wipes out desperation by achieving destiny sincerely.
5. The freedom of idea’s owner is on his free psychology.
6. Loyalty to traveling is because of nervous to the longing.
7. Be aware to thieves who are sneaking and proud on surface.
8. Our standardizations are different, hence it is such as knife that thirsty on existence, hammer of judge hopes on powers, or, ego breaks possibilities.
9. After read views of wise men, we realize the distances that told on the name of reality, hence we must understand which path we are taking.
10. Recognizes the field, in order at next season we know what we will plant.
11. Death is decision. So, what you did before?
12. Critical behave lessen burdened accident.
13. Consciousness affirms what we should do.
14. We all come from inexistence of anything.
15. Capability determines the limits of capture.
16. It shouldn’t be the working one results payment (stressing to inside), when working as the truth.
17. How beauty searches the true, it is not correction among the others.
18. The truth is level passed by faith’s searcher, whilst conviction as the last progress.
19. Prejudice and suspicious are the reaching to intrigue the conviction.
20. Guessing reaches positive, the longing is a form of reaching of hope.
21. Sacrificed doesn’t mean don’t love, look its happiness.
22. Limitedness bears denial to the beauty of God’s creature.
23. The men are getting into mischief prepares some trap of falsehood and treacherous, whereas, basically, they like the truth that attends composure.
24. Pray is the most substantially consciousness of our selves.
25. Look after your pray, don’t let it pass away.
26. The truth beyond fact and logic.
27. Hold your peace before you humbling before the King of Peace.
28. Ask question about wisdom or anything else useful.
29. Sacrificial doesn’t well for always, it’s depend on what is it for and what is it with.
30. Masterpiece of beauty is center of life’s pulse.
31. After passed the journey, the great beauty is in the art of death.
32. Because of the art, all prominent figures be able to attract.
33. The knowledge of art is sharp mattock to process the land.
34. The maturity doesn’t come from being, but from the consciousness to live this life.
35. Feel all substances of your body, you will wish what exactly you wanted.

*) In Arabic, we surely know the word ‘kul’ which mean ‘say of you or talk’ and ‘ya’ which mean ‘hey, alas’. In here, translator captured that the writer wished to combine this words becomes ‘kulya’ which mean ‘hey, you better say, or, hey, you better talk.’ Wallahu alam bishshowab.

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