Why does Jean-Paul Sartre Stay Exist?

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

Honestly the sun is so bright; I drew strong desires from him. One of my essays inspired by him entitled “Realitas Masa Depan (Reality of Future)” in the book “Trilogi Kesadaran”, even to other formations. He influenced my soul.

Since hurricane of phenomenology or philosophical problems of Husserl and metaphysic of story teller of Hegel, until desires of affair of Heidegger, Sartre created a book labeled “The Psychology of Imagination” which he completed in Nazi’s prisoner, and then he pointed his view to Karl Marx, to straight the Existentialism on earth.

Which is published by Bentang at 2000, translated into Indonesian by Sylvester G. Sukur entitled “Psikologi Imaginasi”. It’s the cluster of ideas that driven me, to struggle the reality behind the substantive. It motioned me to complete the matter about personal issues, which is increasingly confident.

Jean-Paul Sartre was born in Paris at June 12, 1905. His father is French navy and died when Sartre was 12 years old. Since that time, he refused the existence of God, while he was reading all book of his grandfather’s library. In 1924, he entered the École Normale Supérieure, the most prestigious French college, and he graduated with the degree of the Aggregation Philosophie at 1929.

He met Simone de Beauvoir, a student of philosophy of the Sorbonne University, and then they were living under the same roof without matrimony. The verses of his philosophy distributed to the fields of romance, drama, journalistic essay, till the study of psychology. Because of his book entitled “Les Mots,” he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature at 1964, but he refused it.

Nietzsche, Sartre, and so many more, in other word the campus residents whom are desperate in their works, is the most I liked. By that way, they wouldn’t be trapped under academic rules. That dissatisfaction even breaks its port until it pumps spring of originality they worried, in wading ups and downs of the waves of life.

I admit that I had a little trouble dealing with Sartre as an object of discussion, because I feel that I am not always just staring at the mirror or shadow of the body in river water, but it’s beyond. As if reading myself, pay attention to the passion and the pop mind raises the power of independent language.

After the last time I interpreted the absurdity of Camus, this time I would try to analyze the Sartre’s Existentialism. It’s all about reason and the intrigued of it, almost every time I figure out between Camus and Sartre. I thought the quality of these both men is same. They were defectors, life analyzer; reorganize the order and arranging intimate personality repeatedly. Like we write on the sandy beach that is often swept by waves, or arrange coin like a kid which they broke by their self for pleasure of playing.

Particular side, I supposed as twins who are destined both to support the rate of knowledge. Sometimes I got confused, whether I was dealing with Sartre or Camus? Until one day I really wanted to write imaginary dialogue of them when they were meeting at June 2, 1943, precisely separation of ideology over these both figures.

There I was gone, they were melting when they recited their achievements, because the words are hidden face, the eyes are sharp-sighted such as ghost and the master is desires to develop that can also be a passion to destroy. For Camus, the way to the death is consciousness, while Sartre has a supposition that imagination is consciousness.

In his 12 years old, in loneliness left by his father, he often mocks his mother’s religious attitude. Sartre’s face stared into the books, correct his beliefs, dealing with daily matters in order to sharpen his preferred color. The silence resembles a cold wall clamed up and musty overgrown by mushrooms of thought to the sky of freedom, from chamber confined the solitude with crossing dreams on room’s roof.

Stillness filled by shapes of the lifter of civilization, accompanied by strange noises that would improve his work. As if he got in and out of the keyhole by riding on the light, and every inhabited chambers he offers a distinct pleasure. Also the shadow of Peter or someone, taught him many things which would be invited by him to have conversation more seriously, infiltrated the psychological of man, in the early writings.

Sartre was groping the world of imagination, until revealed the levels of consciousness, the breaths of human beings interacted onto him in a social circle he struggled. Entering the halls enlivened by the colors of shadow, performs the most important information on the levels of reasoning, when he dealt with developing objects, since the first formation of objects.

He proposed piece by piece of substance for the foundations of psychology to determine the limits of experience with reverie, to the critically heart is dangerous. Look at how faith, belief reflects as such future, rocked through variety ghosts of imagination, or it’s true that it’s on the cape of testimony?

I assumed that the troubling issue since its restlessness determines, whether the human race has reached the level of independent science, the process of its reflection after anything he was dealing with. He scatters nets of possibility, achieved the knowledge that can be interpreted into any kind of estimation, future studies, among the consciousness, the between spheres and beyond.

Those mental issues, attacks the secret of human kind to present adaptation or adjustments to intrigue their soul, when they were sailing boat of light of their heart-thought. If I used it into the poetical field, the language presented by the words has different grade levels to lead the readers. By displaying style of sit for example, the revenue should be adjusted, if we want to capture all the magnetic of tones pressure in it.

Hence, it’s very subtle views from the formation of a work, whether the color is harmony, or unbalance irregularly shows impression of enforcement. Here, in order to explore psychology beside history it explains. The space-time contains various appearances, and also certain rules could be a standard of reasonable feeling at the degree of imagination he told. And then it shows the achievements of the agreement or even rejection, on the different souls in the same world.

The artists working in fine art, the creation of his working can be captured easily any imagination processed through his head. Although in the work of realist-style, there are accumulation, and manipulations is refined by the level of patience to wait for the time of dry paint, on canvas surface resembles in the world of painting.

Or the reasoning of dance choreographer presents trinkets of light showering, on stage performs the nature of consciousness. Which determines the interpretation of audience in the sphere of reading, if mentioned as dimension of the sentence of a literary work, and so on.

It invites the rest of audience, and it can be taken straight lines. That the fraction of life, broken-damping crushed over by something called ideas, after exceeding the puzzle of satiated-hunger of the personality in front of the table of life.

Simply, Sartre had finished about personal refinement. Anything been background (supported) the levels of his consciousness to make reasoning-imagination, before he choose the answer in his magnitude idea, on the top rank of “The Psychology of Imagination.”

As a result of pressure on teenage, ridiculed by his peers for his physical weakness, his soul was forced to enter the sheath of secret above. And, It happened again to create disunity of himself with Albert Camus whom is absurd in the days ahead. As if the embers of eternality spread by the previous surrealists had already in top of his head. Infiltrated and continuously spread in every branch of reasoning united with the soul, and its culminating enforces existentialism.

Sartre’s desires are not distinguishing male or female, in other words it’s extended over not simply endorses one of them, whether masculine or feminine, for the schools he proclaimed. But he presents both of them to be able to exist, by its each destiny. Or it’s even coincidences of instinct illuminated by resplendent light with his famous speech: “L’homme est condamné à être libre.” or “human is condemned to be free.”

There is a kind of innate revenge which has positive energy to interpret the body of beings; this made some research in whole of his life. He dedicates a whole nation, or language of imagination, possesses into philosophical dialectics with argument such as poison crept into flesh-blood of the consciousness of era.

He did not wear seat of preacher in the dreams of humanity, but with crazy pleasure he always felt the whole sense, until he forgot the real boundary of flat board of the reasoning. But doesn’t the faith here, the confidence was confused and we were insisted to receive the words: “What exactly are implicated in human beings?”

This character is formed without leaving the education of his father who always observed his steps, beside crowded room of his grandfather’s library, who was a professor at the Sorbonne University.

Finally, his rejection onto the Literary Nobel, perfects the values he embeds onto his whole life to stay exist, in the life fully imagination.

November 13, 2010, Lamongan, Java.


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