The Collapse of the Kingdom Daha by the Precursor of Majapahit Dynasty

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi*
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

(Referenced since year 1144 Saka, on a piece of “Serat Pararaton Ken Arok”, who written by Dr. J. Brandes, Mangkudimedja)

I heard that at Daha soon would conduct a party? A young poet asked to the hermit. Yes, the King Dandanggendis will hold a celebration. He invited all Hermits, sages and poets from all over the country he conquered. Daha (Ndoho, now it is a small area in the district of Kediri). Lanjutkan membaca “The Collapse of the Kingdom Daha by the Precursor of Majapahit Dynasty”