Written by Nurel Javissyarqi *
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

I compared reformation with stomach ache, defecation for cleaning, laundering. While the revolution, like a toothache, a process where tensions of brain occurs and constrict circulation of the air of freshness. Till engenders pressures that takes irrepressible pain. It is derived from unbalance material process, dirty in sphere of politics. Lanjutkan membaca “REVOLUTION AND TOOTHACHE”

EPILOGUE: Suggestion Had Warhead

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

I don’t know definitely about the suggestion or the singing of belief, a hunch or stray from the path. This is empty exposure because of without any presume or unsuspected entered the dance of the pen but did not expect to lick. Anything pulse was accelerated rhythmically constant into the veil that should be traced where it’s run and you disobeyed it. Lanjutkan membaca “EPILOGUE: Suggestion Had Warhead”