Poetry of Saut Situmorang

Indonesia, Song of Red and White

my country where my mother lived and died
giving birth to five deaths, five silent deaths
silence of little babies lying cold on the tears-stained sheet of the bed
all the dreams, all the hopes of a noisy future
cut off and sliced by five angels of death
angels of envy, angels of burning crosses
angels that only dared to scare five little new born babies Lanjutkan membaca “Poetry of Saut Situmorang”

Poetry of Saut Situmorang

Looking for Charles Bukowski in K Rd

shit & death is everywhere
except around K Rd
retro paradise of alcoholic angels
& prophets of semen redemption

its skyline has the colour of Timothy Leary’s rainbow
guarded by clean-shaven Dunhill-smoking Tae Bo-practising Herculeses
carefully assessing the initiates to the temples of Zeus Lanjutkan membaca “Poetry of Saut Situmorang”