Writer by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

Your personality is gone in the struggling of feeling, when the wind assaults
to collect the cloud of hesitation, be paid out by the gravity of the earth’s kite to cruise (XIX: I).

Before sunset be in throng embraces for kiss to the robe of reddish,
there is the one gives the cup contained with honey, performs the cup fully tear,
that is the good looking of face above the height of your obedience to make love and lave (XIX: II).

The maghrib closes the twilight, the rainfall alike the intimate’s groan, the smiling is in harmony
unites the trembling bosom, as big as the nursed yearning (XIX: III).

Blesses your journey when the drizzle is in courage on thousands of sweats,
the sentences are spread around alike the scattering of spring season’s coconut tree’s flower (XIX: IV).

Enjoy the rearing of soaking wet infiltrates
trough the ditches of your inner hearts to fertile the plant (XIX: V).

Your consideration gives or postpones its condition
establishes your hoping together with the song of tropic be into green (XIX: VI).

Footprint on the wetland of slope of heart, heard about
the complaining of your past pounds on the back of gray sky (XIX: VII).

Your ballad dwells in the valley from the height of the town of casuarinas,
the light of full moon folds the drizzle to stretch the stars (XIX: VIII).

Your doubting is approaching into disappear, your vision understands about the essence (XIX: IX).

The secret of love and lave shadow, as far as the staring of softness
as deep as the understanding, about feels the sucking lips of loneliness (XIX: X).

The one who visits the sweetheart by unsteady steps,
climbs up weakly to find the face of basic (XIX: XI).

When the sun rises, it is holding on the tree while smile
feels the warm embracing of your aware when is not completely (XIX: XII).

The one who always feels over on the emptiness, keep it trough even the rain
imprisons the senses, and releases your soul to manifest (XIX: XIII).

The rain’s water raises seedling onto the earth as the most silent womb,
the insect’s singing visits the mountain’s side that is same age with the south’s hill
which recites the surge aims to the beach every night (XIX: XIV).

Should be until the summits of night of the flower’s waiting,
sees the sheaths are blossoming, by the ruins of mist of the reddish aim to orange’s dawn (XIX: XV).

The sun rises in luxury, arrests the spread out area of the great east,
there is imagery in every movement of human attends the exist (XIX: XVI).

Together with the era drags the foot’s step upon the ocean,
the splashing surge perpetuates the foam makes salt,
as fast as the prayer’s pouring in the passionate bosom (XIX: XVII).

The grains of sand on the beach, contemplation as clean as the glass evaporates,
and the fingers of air caress the forehead of your heart is evaporated on the yearning (XIX: XVIII).

The ocean of awareness is balanced, all lesson about the coming of cloud
brings the screaming about a life of love’s body, boils the life (XIX: XIX).

When realize the vision, enters into the room of heart,
the only one is flopped become so many details of another life (XIX: XX).

Alike the flapping of flying white ant, the heart is beating the veins are squeaking,
rocks the small and cute wings, be molten into the light of lantern (XIX: XXI).

Your eyeballs are so overripe when looking at,
the teeth are seen so white when, the smiling is hoped (XIX: XXII).

The pollen of nature lulls the fresh crying,
the created of love is revolved on the center of lave (XIX: XXIII).

Really seen the similar face, the shadow of sweetheart’s eyes in the cage of eyes,
waits for the time and place of birth, or be kilt to smell the aroma of Cambodia (XIX: XXIV).

The whispering of the light in her bosom, the angels decorate her eyes with glistening to eyelids,
a flower invites along aim to the park of mist to imagine the times (XIX: XXV).

She almost has the attitude of unusual hesitation, when her fears are embraced (XIX: XXVI).

The one who makes her to come is because of the power expands like ocean,
her awareness is being hot, as far as the stretching of beach’s sands (XIX: XXVII).

In the reality makes the self become so tired,
follows the way of accounting in front of human’s mirror (XIX: XXVIII).

The one who has temper like jasmine, the sheaths fragrance to be loyal to the stalk,
the flower won’t lose its fragrant in the white flirt (XIX: XXIX).

An apple on the table, a handful of date palm fruit to break the fasting,
there is the freshmen of zam-zam water in the stomach after fasting (XIX: XXX).

The ballad of cloud alike painting is not boring,
always moves attractively in every looking (XIX: XXXI).

The children gives the smiling around, the girls are in-group
talks about your handsome, be complied on the earth be exalted in the empire of
the sky, also is respected by a thousand bright light of the sun (XIX: XXXII).

You are in throngs passes over the gatekeeper,
enlivening the square of certainty in the day of testimony (XIX: XXXIII).

Leaves the legend to be hurry the musing passes over the night of guerilla
to polish the place of time, as far as the submission perpetuates the essence of feeling (XIX: XXXIV).

Odor centuries arrests the flapping of created spirit, don’t put the reasoning,
the believing is scattered on the world’s surface, for learns to find the essence (XIX: XXXV).

Its height beyond the leagues, and be exalted as the messenger,
give the way for the wanderer, by loving it with a whole thirsty of soul (XIX: XXXVI).

It shares the payments, the peace of heart the calamity of soul,
because the letting go of love, for the way aims to the beloved (XIX: XXXVII).

The sign of bending over to arrange the book of history’s witnesses,
is token by the easiness of student to kiss sekar kedaton (38).

For the sake of more willing on the body- soul rested to strengthen the age’s limit,
the pains is fevering, also sleepy lightens the spirit to wander (XIX: XXXIX).

Stories about the eternality, flies the soul in the depth of night (XIX: XL).

Pronouncements on the height of awareness (XIX: XLI).

Forever in the grandeur conversation,
teaches how to fly the wings of inner heart loves
and who is ignored on the calling, negligent of independence attitude (XIX: XLII).

It passionate to see the boys is crazy about it,
which in every days presents the odor of worship from the park of dreams,
its identity is useful for the one who are not have loyalty even though just a bit from the beginning (XIX: XLIII).

The intact is completed by the mysteriousness understands more- less of it,
the arrogance is die, the last time was born had source on the power of sincerity (XIX: XLIV).

The spider’s nest similar like trap’s nets scatters the magnet,
comes to the unadorned also the pleasure of soul’s desire (XIX: XLV).

This is the game of swinging; alike the dancer of rope is swayed,
the spout of her soul moved by it self, aims to the limit of power of the earth’s core (XIX: XLVI).

The essence spirit of science, the essence spirit of revolution,
so comfort among the tembangs of coloring (XIX: XLVII).

Where ever hides, still in the limit of its capturing,
the uncomforted in front of the light, gets the shadow is trembling (XIX: XLVIII).

Floats on the ocean of steam, the butterflies are dancing to breathe the vase of heart,
kissed on the poem be determined by the intention on the breaths (XIX: XLIX).

Read it indeed to realize the self-bridge, because of there is no science
be directly decided, the time of firmness are wised receives the peace (XIX: L).

Doesn’t the hesitation are created after understood,
but the staring of wisdom from learns the mistaken (XIX: LI).

Had known long time ago at the sky of secret follows the times,
attends to flatter the cloud, be brushed against with the top of thousands casuarinas (XIX: LII).

Your honor reads the grains of dew; the grains of sand that like gold,
when your humanity, steps down the beach of universe’s mist of the heart (XIX: LIII).

The one who keeps his promise is gave beauty island,
be decorated by the trees of policy, the noble stone with arranged on the value (XIX: LIV).

Before beat the slab, be patient to heat the time, be shy
to mature the hidden, the everlasting feelings in the soul miss the peace (XIX: LV).

Had not met yet the sweet of feeling, the busyness or do nothing,
stretches the wings stratified with prayer, blows the willing of freedom (XIX: LVI).

At least you can sell the supplies if you running out at the middle of journey,
but how can the happening are similar, in the same town but different times? (XIX: LVII).

The one who approaches quietly more friendly, this is the honest truly without
very elegant profit, doesn’t powdered on the dreaming to translate the self (XIX: LVIII).

Calls with the whole glorious yearning, white-flying insects grows the new wings,
which its life in so many times are sprawled face up all over by the wish (XIX: LIX).

It gives the depth with really have wings to approach onto the flame of lamp,
makes love in the height, alike the cloud be heated by the campfire (XIX: LX).

The most of them are blind because be inpatient also unrealized,
about the cloud that can blind the eyes (XIX: LXI).

It restraint the passion in the repent and forswear, the instinct become adult
is the one of several stairs from the grade (XIX: LXII).

Gives more for the watcher of corner of prayer service’s room, the planets
similar like the hanged stones, a half of you admires on the rowing of stars (XIX: LXIII).

It hates the narrow mindedness, won’t interested on proudest, because it will
give the space- time for soul’s tortured, the flesh slicing of heart (XIX: LXIV).

It is the king behind the heart of human, sends the news about fallen young leafs,
therefore sits down on a slab of stone, it inherits a handful of silent (XIX: LXV).

The one who measures the flapping deserve to be hated,
feels higher than the air of dreaming at the present times (XIX: LXVI).

You understand on the shape of its attending to believed,
be created in pairs, as usually the man attractive to the woman (XIX: LXVII).

The wavelength become more tinkling at your feet incarnates become salt,
its love is blessed by the fragrance of jasmine’s buds (XIX: LXVIII).

Sometimes the time is running out so fast, a time on the self-considering is too slow,
be grateful be gave the tired and forget, until knows the goodness after it (XIX: LXIX).

It is special in your face won’t gone by your species,
except the weakness curses into the self, kills with desperate (XIX: LXX).

Some day, the mist keeper asked the question; whom do you love among them, master? Only the one who always learns something, from the beginning of time’s certainty (XIX: LXXI).

You begin to understand about the limit of net’s throwing, therefore step up and sit down; the smile comforts the soul, while the violent destroys the question (XIX: LXXII).

Walk tiredly doesn’t look at the others, if be mad will be imprisoned
into the hesitation, the tip of pen corrects the pattern of accusation (XIX: LXXIII).

For the one who thinks has the concubine, will be destroyed the understanding, you don’t see on her self
droops the limits, how poor are they who follows the freedom of flowing (XIX: LXXIV).

The one who touches on the rules, will be leaded by the throb of water in the depth
cave of rock’s cape, the primary man searches the understanding (XIX: LXXV).

Attend doesn’t mean to create the mercy of thought, even though in alliance
won’t be able, this is the appearance of knowledge is unpredicted before (XIX: LXXVI).

The air blown spreads around, the fishes in the river, while the insects
are humming, on the wrestling of clay soil of motherland (XIX: LXXVII).

Its drawing doesn’t come from the research only, and it doesn’t take over
to ask, because the final sums are understood earlier (XIX: LXXVIII).

The cruiser is gave the stick to across the narrow path of bridge of the heavy current (XIX: LXXIX).

The next time have sharp on the time, decides the soft lines of your heart
to spruce in the glass, doesn’t just the decorator of your sweet finger, those ring is read (XIX: LXXX).

It is not out of date of the fanaticism, but the most beauty striping in the park
that is desolate on the delirium, it scarifying the soil, similar like the worm in the depth of it (XIX: LXXXI).

For the one who retraces the river of willingness can come to here, it is the surge of representation
for the sound of beloved one, the reaching of god’s will ocean have the edge (XIX: LXXXII)

; the birth of your thinking has the fragrant of jasmine as the wings, on dipping of
pen of peacock’s feather, which waits for the night misses (XIX: LXXXIII).

The nearness too elegant, the breaths are bent over to guide until arrive,
gives the street for the mist at the grass field (XIX: LXXXIV).

It passes over with the robe is decorated by the dew’s grain of freshmen,
the shepherd gulps the well water of prosperity (XIX: LXXXV).

Goes to the hill of searching with using the sickle alike crescent moon,
comforts your soul visits the cold of light (XIX: LXXXVI).

Lets sit on the bench, it will whisper into your ear about the depth for later,
the sharpness of pen stripes the chiseling of wavelength (XIX: LXXXVII).

It performs the wine for the poet, the philosophers with their narrow minded,
Properly every one drinks be patched on heart (XIX: LXXXVIII).

The poetry composing attractive,
shows the night to listened for the hunger children (XIX: LXXXIX).

It caress your hair with the milk squeezed from coconut, the kindness blankets in the chosen one,
whom approaches fully love and lave, be embraced on the immortality of life (XIX: XC).

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