Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

How I pay the well manner of him(brother Suryanto Sastroatmodjo); who deliver this work with pray, without want to paid back except the sincerity special for the people of reader. He was the nearest teacher that mean best friend, on the comfort of his soul with relieved; the plots blew from the heart, that is why its explanation incarnate become the seed of human kind’s lesson.

In the first publication, there is no this explanation, because at that time; I was still narrow- minded to something related to the sensitive poetry. Until born the solid agglomeration; be far away of lately of brightness. Because of it, I hope the reader would like to muse repeatedly, from the frozen become melted into the lake of understanding.

When, the first time discussed about this book at Purna Budaya Yogyakarta. Big brother Imam Budhi Santoso said; you are like Kris, the Gandring kris. Which is danger to someone else, also your self.” At the another time, at interval of the atmosphere of my existence in those city of culture, together with the Komunitas Sastrawan Tugu Indonesi; culture observer Zainal Arifin Thoha, said his comment; “trough Takdir Terlalu Dini, Nurel Javissyarqi has ever break in the literature of Yogyakarta,.” Moreover, I remembered for really how the comment of one of the poet. Sorry, I am shy to mention his name.” He said; this work is much cleverer from the man who makes it.” (That was what he said, and then my heart was saying yes, by the consciousness of my self that is too dumb).

The citation of working paper of this book at Taman Budaya Surakarta, by brother Zaelani Tammaka; I still feel the warm of courage’s flare of the poetizing by Nurel Javissyarqi. And it seem, the power of saying kind of the speech’s epic, which is the one of specialist of school of Koran’s literature. Very has chance to keep dig out, and someday-later will be able to rich the vocabulary of language of Indonesia’s literature that too far to Europe- centrism. I continued to speak; if not wrong, Octavio Paz had ever say; the red string of poetizing, between the writer with his work is the reality that is developed, expand in the behavior of mannerism of his psyche. Therefore what will be if my conviction say red, while your belong is purple; because of that, the black of stage will be coloring. This is the procession’s distance of intervention of reality and idea. Or my conviction says; I wonder do not give any tradition, but the one who will bequeath tomorrow’s civilization sonly, also blessed by all country, this the hoping in the heart; amen.

At the middle of this book launched, a lot of perception also their speculation to me; a child that is not really realized yet about the power of intellectuality. However, when everything are offered, the reactions appear in numbers. This could be yes for the anthology of breakthrough at the poetizing at that time; confused, random and has quality I guess. The statement of thesis also antithesis explodes in the depth of seethed soul. Alike advice a flying bird at the line of firmament; move fast without care, its trick to the air, also dive sharply penetrate the pit of stomach. I offer the alternating plot, in order be acrobatic on the stage of seethed, be able to create the room that in fact is empty. What you assumed as the world fully crowded with color? Moreover, at interval of few yelling of time when visit to the friend’s residence, I ask the question; can this work be understood? Most of them were answered; yes, it can, but must trough the leveling of reading until two or three times. If like that, then thanks God, and if doesn’t be knew any at all, of course they understand on what aroma is awaked up; the color is gulped for expanded destiny. The procession won’t finish unless his destiny picks the self up.

Maybe some of it is right; the ballads that I wrote are not as strong as Balada Orang- orang Tercinta by WS. Rendra (I assumed he is teacher, even I am not met yet). However, at least I have courage; this is my ballad. Once more, in this self there is strong willing to be showed up from the ballads of brother Suryanto Sastroatmojo; Balada Serasi Denyutan Puri. Basically, I am too much confidence on my self, or perhaps this conviction is a kind of lamp’s flashlight on the town square, which without use to light the street. However, it will interest a lot of people attention sonly to look up, as the sign for there is the noisy at there.

I become remember to Brother Joni Ariadinata, said; “you must learn to the works of the people you hate. The works of people that you assumed as the rival.” Then remember me at the courage of its personality; where, in his room was hanged the tight rope on, as the strong motivation to the hand of fate, in order to not released from the hand of in passing taste.

Honestly, in each repeated publication of my work. Some of it was occurred the repairing. Its hope to reach the most level, trough the correction on wrong typing and reprocess, on the eyes of signer in the middle of life’s journey. Revising from the pattern that exist already there, does not something taboo, Rudolf Cristoph Euchen was doing that excessively, for the freshmen of his period. That hoping is like what Voltaire to Nordberg said;”what deserved to pay good attention from someone’s history is not all of thing that has been working. But, only what have been done, and deserved to be bequeathed for the future.”

The things that I take care of, open the sheets of possibility (The God’s grace), and with the result that, all the strange caught become usual. Because there is nothing in this world is new if read since from the highest conviction; faith. However, it does not mean to erase the concept of perforation above that I am developing. Because the working of finding of human kind is everywhere, surely has the breathing of specialist, also each influencing. I remembered on the process of this personality become so sure with every tools planning of arrangement of the city of imagination, which integrated into the mind. How beauty when the problem is summarized by the submission; the work is really come from the confusing of working, then receive the reality with relieve, as the place of soul’s meditation.

All the one who comes shall returns to God, because, however, the human’s consciousness on God’s restrain; this is the mature refusing, on what Mao Tse Tung said; where is the human’s precisely thinking comes from? Does it come from the sky? No. Does it have been exist in the human’s brain? No. The precisely thinking of human only be able to come from the social practices. Only can come from three kinds of social practices, they are; struggling for production, struggling of classify, and scientific experiment.

However, for me, a line of words; only can come, is the deathly thing, ignore the others truth. Then, I ask the question to you; what Mao said was not just the flashing of thinking from the social’s working? Do you really realize when writing something? Doesn’t sometimes; when, you found new thing that maybe from the memory too, it does not impossible from the giver of healthy? Is the doctor assurance his healthy? Do you health on the brains says? Does it enough just think without inner heart? In addition, can the scientific of mind feel in the reality?

Apparently our working is still too long; it remind me on what have Picasso said; “the whole world open for us. Everything is waiting to be worked.”

November 14, 2005, Monday at afternoon kliwon, Lamongan.

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