Kulya* in Deep Space of Philosophy IV

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto


These are I, the writer, took; Kulya in the deep space of philosophy,
after I had read Leo Tolstoy’s composition:
A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day

1. You may fasten your steps, but don’t move on when you tired, otherwise the result will be disappointed
2. If you think everything is important, it will slow your steps. Get on to one boat and see the others beside you. You are in speed racing.
3. The one lift any burden, some day will flow through tunnel of memory.
4. Good habit, if its repeating sharpen the wisdom and deepen the searching.
5. Basic of policy is realizing the circle of time, season, and weather of longing.
6. Experience is written with different color for receiver, becomes measuring point to do not give mirror, just appeal to spruce up to the mirror in their own houses.
7. God gives chance, but we often forget it.
8. The trip doesn’t the fate’s line of testing, hence be aware to walk.
9. The life doesn’t give much space and time to investigate to the top, but there is time to learn from before, and every generation is the continuation of knowledge.
10. Mistaken will lessen happiness.
11. The soul of inventor. He is a figure of activator.
12. Work hard and seriously to create what you believe
13. Energetic man could be say as activator.
14. Silly man makes daydream about what he is missing without doing work.
15. Man has embryo of arrogance, the one feels contemptible will be safe from bad behave.
16. Renew comprehension to the mastery, because every second the situation presses on you.
17. Answer the question simply, trough take the heart for the mirror of solving.
18. Hidden treasury is the wisdom, although on the man pain to us.
19. Be awake at mid night, at the noon won’t feel lost.
20. Deliberateness and intuitively decide the punishment, light and heavy of it.
21. Virtue is the result of some practices to the seriousness also sincerity.
22. Man seeks or not, God’s existence will be always same.
23. Don’t let your self be alone, take your heart to think something out. If agree, a lot of people will approve you.
24. When the night get in to the house, then who is the owner of that chilly weather?
25. Because of reasonable of feeling, human kind can to survive till now.
26. Becoming burden is not poorness or more over, but it is about feeling of both.
27. Be motive on the motivation of God is Cause of everything, for other reason for positive result.
28. Because the life is so short, find eternal causer.
29. The law of eternality seems in natural motion.
30. The one presumes small, tomorrow will it be stumbling block and you will be fallen because of it.
31. Speculation without signer is such as gambling, at least trough the feeling.
32. Knight always affirms his convictions, and his conviction affirms faith.
33. Without suffer, life is empty on meaning and no trappings in it.
34. Suffer becomes mainstream of essence.
35. Eternality of tropical nature by volcanoes and spring water that take cares of the purity of mind.
36. The sign of insincere is disappointed. To press it will lessen the motion of reply.
37. The life is the property that often forgotten.
38. Helping the others is like helping our selves. But, love another for our selves (mean for individuality) are postponed conceited.
39. Study your selves until you find the meaning of you, you will be able to interpret another.
40. The one feel that he can understand god, I think it’s excessive.
41. Right and left is man’s fitrah.**
42. People can get killed because of subservience and forgetfulness.
43. One of benefits of simplicity is composure.
44. Passion makes idea doesn’t simple.
45. We foster the heart (humanity) as the way of life.
46. Love is the simplicity of comforts.
47. Accept whatever that is, after you tried or did simply deed.
48. The believer strongly to believe, God decides him to be.
49. Accident is a result of mistaken.
50. Personality becomes your specific character.
51. Sincerity comes from the spirit of consciousness to the Creator.
52. The sky we see is the material. The spiritual one is in our heart.
53. The soul gives the field of logical reason of feeling to grow.
54. God is the owner of hidden treasury scatters on the earth and sky.
55. The seriousness of honest bears sweet thing, and wards off evil.
56. Visiting each others lessens suspicion of mind.
57. Struggling is such of a union of elements inside our selves.
58. Work is unpleasant because it doesn’t appropriate with our wishes.
59. Sweat of working is a kind of dew born from the dawn of conviction.
60. Teaching of life for the thinkers is more than maturing their selves.
61. Consciousness is the key of everything, and close to the bitter sense.
62. The powers are eternal only on the health persons.
63. Most minds of factory employers are prisoned.
64. The top of life’s goal is bequeathing virtue and bring submission.
65. Restrictiveness is man’s nature, hence he wishes beyond that.
66. God creates man kinds in insanity since were born, in order we are motioned to love.

*) In Arabic, we surely know the word ‘kul’ which mean ‘say of you or talk’ and ‘ya’ which mean ‘hey, alas’. In here, translator captured that the writer wished to combine this words becomes ‘kulya’ which mean ‘hey, you better say, or, hey, you better talk.’ Wallahu alam bishshowab.

**) in Arabic the word man’s fitrah means the pure condition of man kind, like baby just been born.

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