Menunggu Seharian

Karya: Ernest Hemingway
Penerjemah: Rambuana *

Ia masuk ke dalam kamar untuk menutup jendela, saat kami masih di tempat tidur dan kulihat ia tampak sakit. Ia menggigil, wajahnya pasi, dan ia berjalan pelan seakan linu, meski hanya untuk bergerak.

“Ada apa, Schaltz?”

“Aku sakit kepala.”

“Sebaiknya kamu kembali tidur.”

“Tidak. Aku tidak apa-apa.” Lanjutkan membaca “Menunggu Seharian”

The Collapse of the Kingdom Daha by the Precursor of Majapahit Dynasty

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi*
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

(Referenced since year 1144 Saka, on a piece of “Serat Pararaton Ken Arok”, who written by Dr. J. Brandes, Mangkudimedja)

I heard that at Daha soon would conduct a party? A young poet asked to the hermit. Yes, the King Dandanggendis will hold a celebration. He invited all Hermits, sages and poets from all over the country he conquered. Daha (Ndoho, now it is a small area in the district of Kediri). Lanjutkan membaca “The Collapse of the Kingdom Daha by the Precursor of Majapahit Dynasty”