The Echoes of Nurel’s Words amid the Strains of Era

KRT. Suryanto Sastroatmodjo
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

“Love really determines the continuing process of the cause or the process of the subject’s life. Because when in point of coordinates, we clearly find ourselves real character or with equal points, self-introspection could feel the vibration of seriousness from the great causes of the Divine Light: are we shaking or getting absorbed by the coolness of the Light. Lanjutkan membaca “The Echoes of Nurel’s Words amid the Strains of Era”

The Gift of Approach to Literature that “Grounded” *

Written by Suryanto Sastroatmodjo
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

About 15 years ago, Pamusuk Erneste (in the book “Pengadilan Puisi ” published by Gunung Agung Jakarta, 1986), illustrates how far away it will when the universe of literature (inclusiveness of literary is dominated by several names, who wants to survive as an idol, and not as a creator), until the public of literature are disappointed. He mentioned Subagio Sastrowardoyo, Goenawan Mohamad and WS. Rendra at ’70s Lanjutkan membaca “The Gift of Approach to Literature that “Grounded” *”

Marco Polo (1254-1324) Visited in Jogjakarta?

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

Marco Polo (September 15, 1254 – January 8, 1324), was wanderer merchant who was born in Venice, Italy. He went to China during it was in the control of Mongol Dynasty. He found the interesting and strange stories from the Eastern for the Europeans. The scholars argue that Marco was really true gone to China, but he did not visit all the places, which is depicted in his book (Xanadu). Lanjutkan membaca “Marco Polo (1254-1324) Visited in Jogjakarta?”